What do Crickets Eat?

Crickets are omnivorous, meaning they eat plants and meat.  They are capable of causing a lot of damage to a yard or home because of the wide range of things they can eat.  A cricket’s diet largely depends on the surrounding environment.

Crickets can cause a lot of damage to crops.  They eat the stems and seeds of almost all commercially grown plants, including corn, barley, wheat and vegetables.  A large cricket population is capable of destroying rows of seedlings in a single day.

When crickets invade a garden, they prefer to eat vegetables and fruits.  They may eat fresh, rotten, and dried produce.  If fruit and vegetables aren’t in season, they can feed on the stems of the plants in the garden.  If plants aren’t available, crickets may begin to eat other insects.  They prefer small beetles, but have been known to eat larger insects that are dead, including other crickets.  Crickets also eat pupae cases and larvae.  To protect plants, row covers and protective cones are available.  These protect seedlings and young plants from cricket invasions.  Grass is another common food group for crickets.

Crickets in a home can eat a wide variety of items.  Drapes, furniture, and clothes are common food items for crickets.  Crickets may cause a lot of damage to a wardrobe.  When crickets invade a pantry they can cause extensive damage. The jaws of a cricket are capable of chewing through plastic bags and cardboard.  They can quickly invade stored grains and cereals as well.